The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need

Darnell Setiadi
2 min readJan 11, 2024
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

It was a warm December evening, the last day of 2017, and there I was, staring at an old scrapbook as I held my almighty ballpoint pen. Little did I know that was the last day I would write the so-called “New Year’s Resolution.”

What I wrote that day had something to do with grades, getting fitter, and probably getting a girlfriend (which I did a year later to only later break up with her). While there is nothing inherently wrong with setting yourself a set of expectations, milestones, and goals, let me ask you this: “Why wait a whole year to set them in the first place?” or “Why make it so momentous as if resolutions would bring all the glorious praise we seek?”

“Are we genuinely setting goals out of personal sincerity or just to follow the masses hoping to receive a mere like or ‘congrats’ from people you don’t even like?”

According to Times magazine, about 80% of people fail their New Year’s resolution by February (that’s barely the halfway checkpoint!), while only 8% stick at it and accomplish theirs. So why did the majority fail? A lack of planning and an overreliance on short-lived motivation. I know this because I was one of the 80%.

I’m not here to show you how to be the 8%; if I were, I’d redirect you to the Times article already. While planning and strategizing your way towards an outcome or a changed state, you must first dig deep to find your why, as repeated by Simon Sinek countless times in TED talks. Take your time to plant your roots deep by carefully thinking about this, as this will be your anchor moving forward.

Once you do, start planning. What tools will I use? Where will I write all of this down? How will I track my goals? What deadlines should I set for myself? These are the questions you should start answering and figuring out before hitting go.

You may be wondering what this “only New Year’s resolution you’ll ever need” would be, yes? Well, it’s three words, and I promise it’s the only one you’ll ever need until your last breath.


That’s it. Everyone knows how to make or set goals, but not everyone knows how to follow through with them and stick to them like the 8% did. Find your why, plan it out, and show up no matter the circumstance.

Show up tired. Show up scared. Show up happy. Show up anxious. Show up nervous. Show up bold. Show up for your family, faith, partner, and friends, or at least show up for yourself.

Godspeed and cheers.



Darnell Setiadi

I’m a freelance content writer, BBA graduate, bodybuilder, runner, and aspiring business venturer. Here, is where I share my journey to the unknown.