Getting a Grip

Darnell Setiadi
3 min readOct 16, 2023

Inspired by the Darn Diaries Podcast Ep 30

Photo by Brad Barmore on Unsplash

“Life is a roller coaster,” but before you roll your eyes on this cliche, think about it. At some point, we’ve been in the highs where we feel like we have it all under control, everything seems to work out as expected, and you think you have it all figured out, until…it doesn’t. That was me.

Life happens, things change, and sometimes we can’t do much about it but accept the inevitable challenges, trials, and hurdles that come stampeding our way. Like a handful of you reading this, I, too, love being in control, it gives you a sense of power, and stability, but also a responsibility to carry. But then again, absolute control is impossible, we’re only human.

In the midst of all the storm, here are some fundamental beliefs I hold true that kept me going to this moment of writing:

Control the controllables

One time at my previous job as an intern, I remember being tasked to write a series of articles to highlight the department members on what they do and who they are (or what we call the human side). Now, the process itself required three stages of approvals: the technical, the grammar and formatting, and alas, the final green light by my supervisor.

There were times when the lead times between approvals took quite some time (often causing mild anxiety at times), but hey, I did my part and everything I could at this stage, so why not work on other meaningful things?

This took me a LONG time to come to terms with and adapt to as I’ve always been the get-it-done-asap kind of guy, and I hate having to delay tasks that could’ve taken just a moment of my time, but over time, you begin to understand the dynamic of things, and voila, it gets done eventually anyway.

Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

I know, I know, another cliche in the books, but it’s true. No matter how meticulous we may be, we will always face complications in whatever form it may be in work, school, or in our personal lives. But think about all the problems you previously faced head-on in the past; you went through it, and in the end, it helped you know better and grow past your mistakes. So, how is this fundamentally different from the last one? Exactly.

I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out.

Here’s a little secret that no one really knows: “Nobody has it all figured out.” Most, if not all of us, are just winging it at the job, school, and in life. So, now that the pressure’s off, know that the terrain is always changing, whether we like it or not; the question is: can you adapt to it?

A capstone project teammate of mine once asked me how I was going to help our client business’ marketing, and I told her those exact words: “I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out.” A week before I handed in my deliverable, I knew nothing about Google Ads or Social Media Planning, but I learned from the best: the Internet, and somehow managed to work out a strategy for our client on time, and she was happy with it (hopefully).

I hope that helps :) If you want to hear more content like this, check out my podcast, The Darn Diaries, on Spotify or follow me on Medium. Cheers!



Darnell Setiadi

I’m a freelance content writer, BBA graduate, bodybuilder, runner, and aspiring business venturer. Here, is where I share my journey to the unknown.